Neck pain or cervical pain, as it is better connoted in medical parlance, is best defined as experiencing pain in the region of the neck. Cervical pain may either originate in the neck or alternatively is could be referred from the shoulders. This is a relatively common medical condition which could have a diverse range of causes which may include triggers as innocuous as neck fatigue through trauma or injury of the neck or to age linked degenerative changes in the bones.
Diagnosing cervical pain is simple as it usually presents with complaints of a stiff neck or a sore neck in most instances. Statistics indicate that 9% of the male population and 12 % of females invariably complain of a stiff neck at any point of time. The numbers among workers is far more ominous considering the figure hovers around 45% of all workers.
This makes it more than evident that when the context is neck problems the solution may be far more complex than one would believe.
One of the most common causes of neck problems could be damage to the soft tissue surrounding the region and this usually includes muscles, tendons and the nerves. The region of the neck is very flexible and relatively unsupported which makes it a highly vulnerable region of the human body. To illustrate the case in point, whiplash due to an automobile accident is a typical neck pain presentation in relatively healthy and fit adults.
Whiplash is best defined as a neck strain or neck pain occurring due to an abrupt forward or backward movement of the head when the body is relatively immobile as happens during a rear impact in an automobile accident. This may present with a spectra of symptoms like dizziness, inability to concentrate, pain between the shoulder blades and even severe headaches.
On the contrary arthritis of the spine is yet another cause and is more commonly found in adults over the age of 35 years. The cervical pain in these instances could be attributed to the irritation of the nerves in the neck or alternatively may be referred pain from the shoulder region.
Cervical pain is best treated by adopting some very specific ergonomic measures depending on the nature of work. To further elaborate, those working on computers for three or more hours in a day can ensure maintaining an ergonomically correct position by keeping the head straight and erect with the eyes focused on the top one third of the computer screen. Concurrently the forearms are kept parallel to the floor while typing and the elbows point outwards.
Conversely if the work profile entails standing at the workplace for long periods then avoid twisting to one side and ensure symmetry of movements so as to avoid any unusual strain while performing repetitive movements.
Cervical pains and neck strain are also effectively controlled by using the best pillow for neck pain. There are spectra of pillows available which have a unique anatomical design which helps ensure pressure releasing while you sleep. The mechanics are simple, as they relax the muscles of the neck and the shoulders and hence help ensure that neck pain or sore neck is relieved while you sleep.