KOS has recently opened a Back Store in Dublin 2.
Clients and Healthcare professionals can book a private viewing and assess the most suitable solutions.
KOS products help sufferers of back pain, neck pain and most repetitive strain injuries (RSI).
The Back Store is conveniently located close to Pearse Street Dart Station, Merrion Square and Trinity College.
Our new back store will give our clients easy access the best office chairs on the market for back ache, customised chairs for the home and a large range of accessories which help musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
Back pain in Ireland, especially office pain, due to increased computer use is on the increase. You are welcome to visit our Back Store in the centre of Dublin where you will find products which will help improve you posture and reduce pain, especially computer related pain.
For appointment, please call 01 6110 200 and you can shop for back care products at your own pace without obligation.