What Are Sit-Stand Computer Desks?
Adopting any fixed posture for any length of time is bad for your body. If you use a computer to work at home or in a corporate office and use fixed-height desk, you are almost certainly spending more time sat in a static posture than you were five years ago.
This article explains what Sit-Stand computer desks are and how they can resolve the problems that arise from prolonged static sitting.
Sit-Stand computer desks allow the computer user, at any time of the working day, to quickly and easily adjust the height of their worksurface between sitting and standing heights. This enables the user to change their posture helping them stay healthy at work. It empowers them to dictate their working posture and not their computer.
The human being is not designed to sit, stand or any other fixed posture for that matter. It is however, designed to move. When moving, the cardiovascular system works more efficiently, regulating the body processes, carrying away waste products and carbon dioxide; helping the rejuvenation and recovery processes.
When moving, skeletal joints are fed synovial fluid to keep them lubricated and to protect their mating surfaces. The intervertebral discs in the spine do not contain blood vessels so movement is the only way that these stay healthy.
When moving, the digestive system works more effectively. Furthermore, moving working postures, for many people, provide the only forms of abdominal exercise.
When moving, the muscular system receives nutrients; waste products are dissipated and the whole system stays healthy. Static muscles lose their tone very quickly and a static life-style causes weak back muscles. Because the spine is a relatively weak and unstable column of small bones (orvertebra), it is the back muscles that provide the spine with strength and posture. Muscles are the spine's buttress.
Mr. Levent Caglar MSc Erg, Chief Ergonomist for the Furniture IndustriesResearch Association, is a firm believer in Sit-Stand working. He says, "Those who suffer from lower back pain and other musculo-skeletal ailments will find that by adopting a Sit-Stand working method, this will definitely ease their back pain and in many cases, will alleviate their pain completely. This is because continuous movement has important healing properties".
So, a moving lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle and by introducing Sit-Stand computer desks into your business, all staff will benefit. Because healthy employees work longer and more efficiently, the employer also benefits.
Sit-Stand workstations are a little more expensive than buying a conventional computer desk, but probably not as much as you might think. The additional investment is quickly justified and rewarded with an improvement in productivity.