People come in all shapes and sizes. For employees to work to their best they need to have their office chair adjusted to their specifications (height, weight and arm/leg length). This will ensure they can work in a comfortable and supported posture which of course is key to improving productivity in the workplace. If an employee is forced to sit in a chair that provides poor support or support in the wrong areas issues can arise like;
- Work related injury, like a neck or back muscular strain
- Reduced productivity
- Higher company healthcare costs for the company
- Increased absenteeism rates
Ensuring an office space that provides adequate lighting for employees is vital for keeping workers focused and productive. A darker office with poor lighting can leave employees feeling lethargic and without motivation, which can negatively affect the cognitive aspect of ergonomics. Poor lighting has the potential to cause issues within a company like;
- Demotivated employees
- Reduced concentration
- Lower levels of productivity
- Elevated stress levels
Lastly, it is very important employees take frequent shorter breaks to allow them to work productively as possible. Taking more regular breaks allow employees to be more creative and focused on their tasks at hand. Also, regular breaks satisfies the organisational aspect of ergonomics, which along with Tip 1 and 2 would help maximise the company's performance of your company. Not permitting employees to partake in regular breaks can lead to the following ramifications:
- Elevated absenteeism rates
- Increased healthcare costs from sitting for long periods or other sedentary behaviours
- Elevated levels of work related injury
- Reduced working performance and attention
If your company would like to keep in line with the HSA recommendations and get their VDU assessments carried out onsite get in touch on 05 04 43341 to chat with one of our VDU Assessors.